Achieve business model transparency and agility
ARIS Business Strategy offers extended modeling capabilities to support the definition and implementation of your business and IT strategies.
It supports your (digital) transformation and helps make sure your strategies are fit for the digital age!
Define your company’s strategy across all required facets and describe how your enterprise creates, delivers and captures sustainable value with ARIS Business Strategy.
You can define and analyze your Business Model Canvas in detail.
Model key activities, partners and resources, value propositions, customer relationships, customer segment channels, cost structures as well as revenue streams.
Link strategic information, such as value-chain diagrams and organizational charts, to your business architecture to improve processes.
Establish the balanced scorecard as a standard strategic planning and management system to align business activities with your company’s strategy and monitor organizational performance against strategic goals.
Rapidly define and measure an enterprise-wide balanced scorecard via cause-and-effect diagrams, KPI allocation diagrams and signal lights to indicate your organization’s current performance.
Consistent with the Business Motivation Model (BMM), ARIS Business Strategy offers further strategic diagrams, such as strategy diagram, SwOT diagram, business segment matrix and more.
The different diagrams are linked within the ARIS repository to create one single source of truth.
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